Thomas The Rhymer
True Thomas sat on Huntley bank, And he beheld a lady gay; A lady that was brisk and bold, Come
riding o'er the ferny brae. Her skirt was of the grass green silk, Her mantle of the velvet fine; At every lock of
her horse's mane, Hung fifty silver bells and nine. True Thomas, he pulled off his cap, And bowed him low down to
his knee' "All hail, thou mighty Queen of Heaven Your like on earth I ne'er did see." "No, no Thomas," she said, "That
name does not belong to me, I am the queen of fair Elfland, And I have come to visit thee." "You must go with me
Thomas," she said, True Thomas you must go with me; And must serve me seven years, Through well or woe, as chance may be."
Hark and come, come
along with me, Thomas the Rhymer; Hark and come, come along with me, Thomas the Rhymer; Hark and come, come along
with me, Thomas the Rhymer; Hark and come, come along with me, Thomas the Rhymer.
She turned about her milk white steed, And took Thomas up behind; And aye whenever her
bridle rang, Her steed flew swifter than the wind. For forty days and forty nights, They rode through red blood to
the knee; And they saw neither sun nor moon, But heard the roaring of the sea. And they rode on and further on, Further
and swifter than the wind; Until they came to a desert wide, And living land was left behind. "Don't you see yon
narrow, narrow road, So thick beset with thorns and briars? That is the road to righteousness, Though after it but
few enquire." "Don't you see yon broad, broad road, Lying lies across the lily leaven? That is the road to wickedness, Though
some call it the road to heaven." "Don't you see yon bonnie, bonnie road, Lying across the ferny brae? That is the
road to fair Elfland, Where you and I this night must go."
Hark and come, come along with me, Thomas the Rhymer; Hark and come, come along with me, Thomas
the Rhymer; Hark and come, come along with me, Thomas the Rhymer; Hark and come, come along with me, Thomas the
[trad. arr. Steeleye Span]
Thomas the Rhymer (also Thomas Rhymer or Thomas Rymer) is the better-known name of Thomas Learmonth of Erceldoune, a 13th century Scottish
soothsayer. Many people have encountered him in fictional form as the protagonist in the ballad Thomas the Rhymer ( Child Ballad number 37).Thomas was born in Erceldoune (also spelt Ercildoune - presently Earlston), Scottish Borders, sometime in the 13th century, and has a reputation as the author of many prophetic verses. Little is
known for certain of his life but two charters from 1260-80 and 1294 mention him, the latter referring to the "Thomas de Ercildounson
son and heir of Thome Rymour de Ercildoun.
Popular esteem of Thomas lived on for centuries after his death,
to the extent that several people have fabricated Thomas' "prophecies"
in order to further the cause of Scottish independence. His reputation for supernatural powers for a time rivalled that
of Merlin. Thomas became
known as "True Thomas" because he could not tell a lie. Popular lore
recounts how prophesied many great events in Scottish history including
![Thomas the Rhymer [click for larger image]](sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/thomas-the_rhymer.jpg.w180h275.jpg)
Musicologists have traced the ballad Thomas the Rhymer back at least as far as the 13th century. It deals with
the supernatural subject matter of fairy-folk. The theme of this song also closely relates to another song, that of Tam Lin, which follows the same general topical lines. Its more general theme relates to temptation and mortal pleasures. There is
also a 14th century romance "Thomas of Erceldoune", with accompanying prophecies, which clearly relates to the ballad, though
the exact nature of the relationship is not clear
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