Ragged Heroes
Songs of hope and tunes of glory Half remembered Albion hymns Rise up Saint George and tell the story This is
where your song begins
Leave the drunkard to his bottle And leave the prophet to his doom Let the critics sneer
and prattle Give Saint George some fighting room
Come, come, throw a penny on the drum A penny for the passing
of the days Run, run, and see the setting of the sun Come and see the changing of the ways
Where are all the
ragged heroes? Buried in their suits of iron [so fine?] Withered rose lies on the headstone Will it bloom a second
Come come and throw a penny on the drum A penny for the passing of the hour Run, run, and see the rising
of the sun Come and see the blooming of the flower
Throw a penny piece, a penny on the drum And the withered
rose will rise up like the sun
[John Tams]
![John Tams [click for larger image]](sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/johntamssepia.jpg.w180h221.jpg)
John Tams |
Songs of hope and tunes of glory Half remembered Albion hymns Rise up Saint George and tell the story This is
where your song begins